Monday, August 21, 2023

Just a Quick Update! And Tin Things

Halo, Reader!

This is just a warning regarding the status of my domain. Google has entered into an agreement with Squarespace and will be transferring domains to them. After a long hiatus, I have decided that a renewal of this domain name and the others is not necessary.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Why Am I Still Writing?


Greetings, Fair Reader.
I'm making some progress on the book and also focusing on art and organization at the same time. I finally broke down and ordered the Lexington cart (in blush) from Michael's, and I'm using it mainly for my watercolor materials. I have another cart that I have to put together. It has 5 drawers, although I wish I had gotten the 32" version. There are a couple of more pieces that I need to get and a few things to get rid of in order to make everything work. Hopefully, those will be the answers to my disorganized art room.