Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Book Two Posts: The Rewrite Ep. 3 & The Value of Staring into Space

During the past few weeks, I've spent more time trying to distance myself from the books. My sister is my first beta reader, and she understands that this is a draft and that nothing is set in stone at this point. She said she was enjoying it so far, and I think I had sent her about fourteen chapters at that point. Then she asked for the whole thing, and, although I cringed at the thought--I had not rewritten ANY of the last chapters, and there were so many broken threads--I sent them. Since then, I have been decompressing and binge-watching videos. :)

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Book Two Posts: The Rewrite Ep. 2

First of all.... I got some feedback on the first 30 pages, and it was good. 😁 She wants to know what happens next, which I think is the desired reaction. That's when I told her I can't send her the next pages right now because I'm editing them and adding a new scene.😅